Sunday, October 30, 2005

Way too small

Before posting my dream a couple days ago let me clarify somethings. We are a family of 5 with 3 small kids. Right now we live in a large 2 bedroom apartment with a small little yard. We want to move to 3 bedroom but most of them are a bit more money and less space!

Anyway...onto the dream...

So a couple nights ago I dreamt that my wife found a new place for us to live: a loft in San Fransisco! It didn't even have a bedroom. The whole thing was one room and it didn't have a door either. When you walk into this place there were 2 stairs one leading to our loft and the other leading to the basement apartment. When you first walk in the front door you can see in front of you the middle apartment, which had no door either and the stairs were open stairs with no wall to give privacy to the middle place either.

I went to the place with the kids to wait for her. When I got there I found out that we had given up our king size bed because it wouldn't fit. Instead we had 2 very small blue couches to sleep on. The kids were kinda restless on them and I couldn't sleep at all. I looked around and saw that there were spots that in the floor where boards were missing so I put new boards down. I kept thinking that this wasn't going to work and what had my wife been thinking, especially getting a place in San Fran! No way would I ever move there or anyother big city now that I have kids. I probably wouldn't have been willing when I didn't have kids. I like rural and country settings.
At some point the kid of one of the downstairs neighbors came up and started talking to me, which just reinforced to me that idea that this place didn't work privacy-wise. I don't remember what she or I said, but at some point she plopped down on my couch and start playing her PSP and I went back to waiting for my wife. I vaguely remember noticing a sky light at this point and then my I woke up...

Oy. San Fran? No Way, never.

Monday, October 17, 2005


If life gives you lemons, your supposed to make lemonade.
So what happens if life gives you s**t?
Are you supposed to make s**t sandwiches?

Just a thought (sorry for being vulgar. I'm in a bad mood atm.)

I wish I could switch Calculus professors. My current one is the worst math teacher I have ever had. Normally, I do well with math. I seem to have an aptitude for it. But this class is driving me up the wall. I have never had such a useless professor. I don't do to bad with learning from a textbook, if I can at least ask questions, but unfortunately this guy thinks that the one way he explains things is the only way that things can be explained. So when I say that I don't understand what he is saying he simply repeats himself. In fact, one time I told him 3 times that I didn't get it and he repeated himself word for word 3 times!!! I gave up.

To make things even worse, he gives us this big speech about how he doesn't have to grade or collect homework because he will know if we are doing it by our grades on the tests because the final is going to be 70% drawn from the 3 test which are 70% drawn from the 5 quizzes which are 80% drawn from the homework. Well only 1 question from each of the 2 quizzes I have taken have been from the homework and about the same amount of the test came from the 2 quizzes! If my professor can't even work a basic percentage, how the hell am I gonna learn Calculus from him???

The truely scary part is that we have open book and open note tests and quizzes and everyone I know in the class is still struggling with them. He is truely challenging us to remember and use even the most obscure things we learned back in Calculus 1A. At this point I would think he would focus on the difficult things about 1D and use the basics of 1A,B or C so we could focus on the new stuff and not stress to try and remember strange things from the previous classes. Oy vey.

Don't get me wrong! I have had very difficult classes before and done fine or been actually challenged to learn. But this class isn't difficult it's insane. I took some of the problems from the test to memory to try and see if I could figure them out over the weekend and have not found anything in the book that could help me do that. I put one of the questions on a Math nerf forum and I got a response that the problem would be very difficult if not impossible to work out and that the person couldn't believe an instructor would present such a question to someone learning these concepts. Ouch! These guys on this forum normally just answer the questions I ask like they were nothing.

Dark day on campus

In my dream last night I went to my calculus class and found out that I got a zero on my last Exam. I was so pisted that I cussed out the professor for 20 minutes and tried my best to prevent him from lecturing at all. (Sidebar: This professor is actually irritating me in real life, too. But not to the point where I would completely explode like I did in my dream.)

I then wandered campus trying find a class to add because I wanted to drop the math class. The campus was strangely similar to the civic center from my dream about going to prom with my wife...

Friday, October 14, 2005

The Prom

So last night I had a dream that I was taking my wife to her Senior Prom. We had found a sitter for our 2 daughters but not our son (He's the youngest and still in diapers). So I went back to my In-law's house, which was where my wife was waiting for me. Apparently, my grandparents on my mother's side were living with them. (Not very likely..heh!)

My father-in-law said that he would be around but couldn't be responsible for the boy. So I went to my grandpa and asked him to help me out. All he had to do was make sure the boy was okay, since they all lived in the same house anyway. He agreed and I was stoked because I was beginning to think we wouldn't be able to go. When I got downstairs, I saw my wife wearing a beautiful dress and she looked fabulous. I told her that things were taken care of and that I would hurry up and get changed out of my street clothes.

Once I was dressed up, we left. Our car was a mini cooper that had a soft top. I tried to adjust something and ended up breaking the soft top right off the car. I was trying to fix it when my wife said to forget about it cause it wasn't going to rain anyway and she didn't want to be late. However, when I got back in the mini had turned into a single person golf cart that had pedals so small that I couldn't even push one at a time. And yet somehow we got to the place the Prom was being held. (I have no idea how...)

This place was a weird place that resembled a cross between an open campus school and a city center and it was situated in the middle of a cool looking forested area. It had several ramps and stairs leading the various buildings. In one building there were large windows and I could see a ballet class that was going on inside. We circled around and found the place they were having serving the food for the dance and it had an outdoor cafe feel to it.

And thus ends the tail with a rude awakening by a crying baby...

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

About my dreams...

Part of why I am writing this is to capture something about my dream world that I have noticed.

My dreams are always strange. Many people I know have realistic dreams. Let me clarify. They have dreams that could actually happen, even if the situation is highly improbable. For instance, a dream about sleeping with Cindy Crawford or becoming the President of Iraq or something like that. I don't have these kind of dreams. I have the oddities so far that I have written. Even my reality based dreams always have weird twists. For example, I had a dream that some friends and I were running from the cops and ducked into a 7-11. So far realistic, except that the 7-11 had 30 foot high ceilings one second and when I looked again the ceilings were gone and you could see the sky. The I looked again and the ceilings were lower and purple. (Also during this dream I found out that my friends and I were vampire hunters and we had found what we thought was Dracula's hide out.) Reality always tweaks out in my dreams.......

The Exception:
When I do have a realistic dream, it is real to the very last minute detail. Everything is real. Walls don't disappear, locations don't suddenly change, people don't turn into things.
And now for the strangest part...
They come true.

*Dramatic Pause*

Yup, the come true. Every single one. The dreams are usually short, sometimes only seconds in length. The longest one I remember was only a few minutes. These snippet dreams have both intrigued me and slightly haunted me. So I am hoping to catch one and write it down before it comes true. Yes, I understand the concept of Deja Vu and other pseudo precognition concepts and this doesn't qualify. These are dreams I have and then the situation occurs, sometimes years later in places I had never seen prior.

And now for the Really Strange stuff
I can here you now..."It gets stranger? No way!"...Yes it does.
I have shared at least 3 dreams that I know of. As in, I have had the same dream as someone else, usually at the same time. I am going to post the full details of 2 of those dreams in the next few days. But essentially in one I shared a dream with a close friend of mine where we were secret service agents and another dream I shared with someone I had not previously met about the world coming to an end.