Monday, October 17, 2005


If life gives you lemons, your supposed to make lemonade.
So what happens if life gives you s**t?
Are you supposed to make s**t sandwiches?

Just a thought (sorry for being vulgar. I'm in a bad mood atm.)

I wish I could switch Calculus professors. My current one is the worst math teacher I have ever had. Normally, I do well with math. I seem to have an aptitude for it. But this class is driving me up the wall. I have never had such a useless professor. I don't do to bad with learning from a textbook, if I can at least ask questions, but unfortunately this guy thinks that the one way he explains things is the only way that things can be explained. So when I say that I don't understand what he is saying he simply repeats himself. In fact, one time I told him 3 times that I didn't get it and he repeated himself word for word 3 times!!! I gave up.

To make things even worse, he gives us this big speech about how he doesn't have to grade or collect homework because he will know if we are doing it by our grades on the tests because the final is going to be 70% drawn from the 3 test which are 70% drawn from the 5 quizzes which are 80% drawn from the homework. Well only 1 question from each of the 2 quizzes I have taken have been from the homework and about the same amount of the test came from the 2 quizzes! If my professor can't even work a basic percentage, how the hell am I gonna learn Calculus from him???

The truely scary part is that we have open book and open note tests and quizzes and everyone I know in the class is still struggling with them. He is truely challenging us to remember and use even the most obscure things we learned back in Calculus 1A. At this point I would think he would focus on the difficult things about 1D and use the basics of 1A,B or C so we could focus on the new stuff and not stress to try and remember strange things from the previous classes. Oy vey.

Don't get me wrong! I have had very difficult classes before and done fine or been actually challenged to learn. But this class isn't difficult it's insane. I took some of the problems from the test to memory to try and see if I could figure them out over the weekend and have not found anything in the book that could help me do that. I put one of the questions on a Math nerf forum and I got a response that the problem would be very difficult if not impossible to work out and that the person couldn't believe an instructor would present such a question to someone learning these concepts. Ouch! These guys on this forum normally just answer the questions I ask like they were nothing.


Blogger Jessica said...

I think you're supposed to make fertilizer! J/K, sorry for the bad day.

6:10 PM  

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