Tuesday, September 06, 2005

The Wedding

   Last night's dream actually had 3 people from real life in it: a friend of my wife's (I will call her Paula), my wife and a friend of mine named Eric. Everyone else mentioned was made up in this dream.
   So last night I am dreaming that I am attending someone's wedding. I get to where the wedding is and it looks like some kind of conference center or something. I run into Paula and a friend of mine. Paula is smoking. I knock the cigarette out of her mouth and say that the bride would have a fit if she saw her smoking. She gives me a look and says I didn't have to waste her cigarette. My friend says something about smoking being bad for you anyway. And then I start preaching about why smoking is so terrible and I don’t know why, cause I wouldn't normally do that. I even tell her that she wouldn't want to end up looking like one of those nappy redneck women with the gravely voices. I tell her to trust me on that one cause I have some in my family (which I don't in real life...) She blows both of us off.
   My friend and I head towards the Blockbuster next door to the conference center and Paula tells us not to be late as she leaves to the wedding. I have no idea why we stopped at there and the place looks like a badly run mom & pop store even though it's a Blockbuster. I quickly assess that there are no movies I want to see. My friend, however, stops at a little side bin. I walk over to him to tell him we must get going. I notice that in the bin are porn movies. I look at him and say, "Dude, let's go." I then turn around and start heading out the door. I am half way out the door when I look out and I see him actually going to buy one of the porn movies! I walk back in grab his arm and start to pull him out of the store but he resists. I look at him and say something to the effect of: "Trust me that's not good. Don't feed the temptation. Every step into it, makes it much harder to stop." He brushes me off and goes back to buying the movie. At this point I just leave him behind.
   The door I leave out of leads to the back entrance of the conference center. I walk into one of the back doors and run into some of the wedding party. They are cleaning up the back room to the reception hall cause the reception and wedding are over. So I start helping and find out that one of the bridesmaid's had made a huge mess after getting totally plastered and apparently she had embarrassed the bride. Everyone is a little tense.
   After cleaning up the mess, I decide to go check out this interesting looking building by the conference center. As I approach it I realize it looks familiar. I then realize that it is where the friend of mine from earlier in the dream lives with another buddy. I just hadn't realized before how close to the conference center that they lived. I figure since I didn't see them at the cleanup that they would probably be home. There are 2 very small elevators that go up. I get in with 2 other people. The door never closes. As it goes up I realize that each floor is someone's place. This elevator faces the east side and the other must face the west side with one apartment on each side. The strange thing is that the door never closes so you can look into each person's kitchen as you go up. In fact, I remember looking in as we went by the floors and having a lady give me a dirty look from her kitchen. At this point I realize that everyone else is decidedly looking away. So I do so too. Pretty soon everyone else gets off and I am wondering when this tiny elevator, which is starting to make me feel claustrophobic with its low ceiling and white walls, is going to stop and go back down so I can get off. Finally it hits the top floor and I happen to glance in the apartment and I see my buddy Eric in his kitchen. He looks up and sees me and says "Hey! Come on in! Wasn't expecting you."
   He then gives me a tour of his rather small apartment. He says that it is kinda small, but the rent is really low at only $600 a month and the fact that it is on top is kinda nice. He then shows me that he can get directly on to the roof. As we look down I realize that this a 10th floor apartment. I got slightly dizzy and decide to go back inside. (Sidebar: If you don't know this: I used to be afraid of heights and I would get bouts of claustrophobia if I was in a small space and there was the possibility of getting stuck. I spent years subjecting my self to rooftops, high places and small areas to get over it, but on rare occasions I still get a touch nervous. And both the elevator and the roof made me nervous in my dream.)
   I don't remember how, but suddenly I was back at the conference center and the wedding was at the point where the bride and groom were exchanging vows. Then next thing I knew I was in a back room with my wife and she was in her wedding dress. Then we walked down the isle and it became a double hitter wedding. We walked up to a very well built black minister and renewed our vows and apparently we had only been married a year in this dream (6 years in reality). After that it was a party with all our friends and the other couple. They joked about a photograph of me standing next to my wife and the other bride, because I had a t-shirt with the sleeves rolled up on and they were wearing their dresses.

At this point it ended...


Blogger Jessica said...

Thanks for the prayers and concern. My husband and I are fine and as we found out yesterday, we are one of the oh-so-few people whose house is fine. I'm very greatful that both our lives and our home was spared. I know there are thousands and thousands who have many dark days ahead. Please keep them in your prayers. Anyway, it was nice to know that someone who doesn't even know us would be praying for us.

2:16 PM  

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