Monday, September 05, 2005

Another dream

I had this dream last night. It is strange but something that makes it stranger is that I have had the dream before...

In my dream I was working a minimum wage job with a bunch of teenagers. I think it was a Chinese fast food place. After work one of the guys was waiting for his mom to pick him up so I was waiting with him, but I don't remember what we were talking about. I remember it was important though, like girl stuff or something. When his mom got it turned out that she was my mom too. But it wasn't my real life mom. Then all of a sudden I was at home and the other guy was gone. And I found out some else was living at my home too. I was talking to her and her name was Ipanea. She seemed nice and we became friends. She then showed me her shrine to Patrick Stewart. She totally had a crush on him and she felt that he was really nice and would treat her well even though she was overweight. She had posters and action figures, the works.
Anyway, after meeting her and talking to her, I told her I had to go. I then headed out to a college to investigate a some problem with someone getting killed.

When I got there it became apparent that somehow someone died during some kind of stunt. Our guess was an initiation stunt. So we(I had somehow 'spawned' a partner that I never saw the whole dream, but who somehow helped me...) began investigating the various fraternities. One fraternity had the 'circle of doom', which was a giant balloon that sat in their pool. It had a slick slide encircling it. Basically a bunch of the frat boys would jump onto it and grab an attached rope, this would put that slide that was attached to it, completely under water at an angle. Somehow then another person would jump onto the slide and would slide around the balloon really fast underwater. The goal was to manly enuf to stay underwater longer than anyone else. The also had found out that if the ones holding it all bobbed up and pushed it down real hard at the same time that it would fling the person on the slide out of the pool so hard that they would end up on the frat house roof. The person to demonstrate being flinged was an overweight pledge dressed as a Sumo wrestler. I decided that this very well could be the device that caused the death.

My next stop was a sorority. I went to there back yard cause no one answered out front and found a bunch of them at the pool. They seemed cooperative but the pool seemed really odd to me. I dove in with an oar cause one the girls stepped on something under the water and she thought it was dangerous. It turned out to just be a slug. I killed it with the oar, but the girls all got grossed out by it. At this point someone tried to drown me but between whacking them with the oar and my partner showing up (I still didn't see him/her) I was able to survive and we decided that they were the culprit. (Now that's some seriously circumstantial evidence, geez. I think there is a little more but it's getting fuzzy.)

So I returned home, to find my mom had made arrangements to go to a resort for a vacation. But we had to leave that minute, she had already packed our bags. Next thing I know we are at the resort and the guy from the Chinese food place is my brother(but he isn't my brother from reality) and we both are complaining cause we have nothing to wear and that the sharks might get us. Suddenly, like I was having one of those thought bubbles people get in cartoons, I was imagining myself laying on a sofa underwater completely unprotected from the dozens of great white sharks swimming around me! My brother and I both freaked out we ended the vacation early.
When we got home Ipanea greeted us warmly. My brother took off and my mom went to the backyard. I talked to Ipanea and then joined my mom in the backyard. It turned out she had Patrick Stewart over for tea!!! I told my mom that it would only be fair to bring him in the house and introduce him to Ipanea. She agreed. We told him that we had a friend who lived here and would love to meet him and that she was a fan. He agreed. When we got in the house though, he coughed and pointed at his empty glass and treated her like a Maid!!! She had a fit. She yelled at him and shut herself in her room. I told him that that was totally messed up. He just left. When I went into her room I told her not to think about it. I looked around and all the stuff was in a big trash bag. I then told her that I thought she was nice even if Patrick Stewart was a total ass to her. I think she even asked if it was cause she was fat. I kept telling her that she was a nice person and that, yes, she was attractive. I gave her a big hug as she cried.

And then the usual happened...I woke up.


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