Friday, June 22, 2007

Summer Camp!

In my dream last night I was at some kind of youth Summer camp as one of the leaders. I don't remember all the beginning parts but towards the end we were all playing in a huge wooden waterworks thing. It was tons of fun, but the play time was coming to an end and I was helping drag one of the innertubes to its storage area when I was told about a quick meeting at one of the water slide sets.

I dropped the innertube and walked up this dirt path onto a small hill to the top of a set of 2 water slides that were wood on the outside and some kind of slick something on the inner part. When I got to the top I saw a meeting that was taking place with the speakers at the bottom of the slides which was covered. I stood up and was listening to the speaker talk when he asked who had a birthday within a week of today. I don't in reality, but apparently I did in the dream world, so I started to walk down, but then he clarified that he meant of the youth campers. I was half way down so I just stopped where I was and watched the kids step up. 3 kids come to the stage and all of them were guys.

The speaker then said he had a birthday present for them. He brought out a bag and in the bag was huge tacky earrings! They were all labeled as Dennis Rodman brand. Two of the guys gave the speaker disgusted looks and rudely made it quite clear that they didn't like the gifts and stormed off the stage when people started laughing.

The third guy actually put one of the earrings in one of his ears and said thanks even though he looked a little dissappointed. The speaker looked at him and said:
"No, no. It's okay, that's not the real gift!"
I vaguely recall him saying something else but can't remember what. He then pulled out a really nice 21 speed bike and gave it to the kid and told him that was the real gift then said something about appreciating things. The kid was stoked and rode it off the stage.

I then woke up.

Monday, June 04, 2007

Loud and proud.

Last night I had this dream where the house I was living in had very little furniture. My study only had my desk and my amp in it. For some reason I was laying on the floor of the study and I was looking at my amp. I grabbed a flashlight and started singing into it. (It was late at night so I'm guessing I didn't want to wake anyone by actually singing thru a real mic...)

At this point I started day dreaming in my dream about putting on a concert, but the day dream morphed into reality. I was standing at this big gravel area and I started singing to test the mic in my hand for sound levels. Shortly thereafter I started talking to the crowd that was beginning to form.

I told them that I was going to be singing from back by this gravel lot. I then told everyone to look behind them if they were on the stadium seat. I then waved over this small wall and when I did I saw that the stage and seating was over it. I was talking from a small gravel area behind the real stage. I told the crowd that I was basically giving a treat to all the people who could only afford to get into the show back on this gravel lot where there weren't even seats.

I then started to sing my heart out. At this point in my dream My wife started yelling at me and I snapped back into dream "reality" and was in the study again with a real mic in my hands and my amp was plugged in and I was singing loud. My wife was yelling cause I woke up one of our daughters.

Then I woke up in real life.