Thursday, May 21, 2009

A house.

In my dream last night Melissa and I were house shopping. The agent showed us a place he said we'd love. It seemed nice enough. When we got inside one of the things we would "love" was a weird ladder staircase thing that went up to and around a bedroom. It was bizarre and kinda hard to navigate, but it was really neat. The top part was actually a folding stair almost like you would see to get into an attic.

The middle part is a little fuzzy, but I vaguely remember putting in an offer and leaving.

I returned to the place with my mother and step-dad. They were acting like they were going to buy the place and all of us would live there and VERY strangely I was fine with this. We started checking out what needed to be fixed. I recall marking parts of the weird stairwell -ladder thing with pen to show what we be kept and what would be tossed.

Then my step dad and I went to the foyer part of the house and started inspecting the wood floor because the boards were loose. I recall getting a little distressed when we moved some of them and were able to see down below. I looked at him and complained. At this point I realized my step dad was Jack Nicholson. He looked at me and said "It's okay, this is why you have me. I'm the handy guy. We'll fix it up real nice." I recall being reassured by this and I helped him haul a floor sander into the house.

At this point the agent showed up to show some other people the house. He got frustrated and told us we can't just come in because we didn't own the house yet! He was sure the current owners would appreciate the help with the repairs, but things were not finalized yet and we shouldn't be there. The couple that was with him freaked that we were there and left.

Then I woke up.



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