Monday, June 04, 2007

Loud and proud.

Last night I had this dream where the house I was living in had very little furniture. My study only had my desk and my amp in it. For some reason I was laying on the floor of the study and I was looking at my amp. I grabbed a flashlight and started singing into it. (It was late at night so I'm guessing I didn't want to wake anyone by actually singing thru a real mic...)

At this point I started day dreaming in my dream about putting on a concert, but the day dream morphed into reality. I was standing at this big gravel area and I started singing to test the mic in my hand for sound levels. Shortly thereafter I started talking to the crowd that was beginning to form.

I told them that I was going to be singing from back by this gravel lot. I then told everyone to look behind them if they were on the stadium seat. I then waved over this small wall and when I did I saw that the stage and seating was over it. I was talking from a small gravel area behind the real stage. I told the crowd that I was basically giving a treat to all the people who could only afford to get into the show back on this gravel lot where there weren't even seats.

I then started to sing my heart out. At this point in my dream My wife started yelling at me and I snapped back into dream "reality" and was in the study again with a real mic in my hands and my amp was plugged in and I was singing loud. My wife was yelling cause I woke up one of our daughters.

Then I woke up in real life.


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