Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Play time is over....

So last night in my dream I am playing some kind of war game with my friends. At some point I get hit and am injured from the waist down and immobile. So my buddies are helping me move about and I am acting injured. My younger daughter comes up to me and asks if I'm okay, and I let her know that we are just pretending for our game.

I look up and a tank rolls in as part of the game. So my buddies move me again into a house so we have cover to fight the tank. While we are in the house another buddy calls me and starts telling about an experiment he is conducting. At this point I can suddenly see him as he is talking to me on the phone. (I'm not there in his lab, my dream was just going movie style...)

He's telling me that he is experimenting with something called 'Silidium'. At this point the conversation fades to the point where I can't hear it and at some point he hangs up with me.

Now my view is panning thru his lab and I see a dead body on one of his lab tables and then see him walk by and toss a partially putrifying really buff arm into a sink. He then dumps silidium into the sink and throws a switch. Electricity cackles. The arm reacts to the silidium and electricity by suddenly expanding into this strange tentacled creature. Somehow I knew that the arm was the arm of a zombie and that this creature is also undead. I see it grab my friend and start impaling him with tentacles and cocooning his body.

My view goes back to where I actually was and I'm fighting the tank, but our medic is worried that I might have permanent damage and is concerned. The medic wants me to have a bowel movement. (For those that don't know, not being able to have a bowel movement when you have a back injury is a VERY bad sign.) The phone rings and I grab it. It's my friend in the lab again and he is trying to get us to come to his lab. I sense something is wrong.

My view changes again and I see him cocooned in these freakish tentacles with blood coming out of his mouth as he talks to me on the phone. My view comes back to myself and I am trying to keep him believing I am interested but that I am busy at the moment. He suddenly starts talking in this strange disembodied voice and making odd noises so I drop the phone and call my buddies back to me.

I tell them that I have a strange feeling about my other friend and his lab and ask if any of them heard an explosion from that direction. I then tell them that I have a bad feeling and I think we are going to be attacked. I look out and see the tank leaving because the game is over. I turn and see that there are now white bars separating the family room we are in and the next room over in this house. Behind the bars are zombies coming towards us. We decide we need to run since we don't have any real weapons. I grab my daughter (who is 5) and take off with my buddies.

One of them spots a large SUV so we jump into it, hotwire it and take off. As we are driving we realize that most of the city still doesn't know what is going on. For some reason we decide that the only way to really get away for sure is to get a boat, so we drive onto a boat lot and steal one. As we are pulling away, I'm hanging onto the bumper trying to get the latch to lock and the salesman is chasing us, screaming. He keeps yelling that we can't steal that one because he just sold it.

We get to water and launch the boat, but suddenly it is no longer the nice sized speed boat we stole, it is an over sized seadoo thing that takes on too much water. We stay with it anyway, but quickly realize that the water we dumped it into doesn't actually lead to the bay! (San Francisco bay)

So we drag it up on shore, but now the SUV is gone! We carry it for awhile but its no use, it's too heavy. I look around and see a waterpark and start trying to figure out how to get to the bay, when I see the first sign of general panic. We run over to the screaming people and see zombies attacking. Once again we run since we have no real weapons. At this point my daughter is not with me, but I have this thought that she is safe somewhere, like I left her with her mom, but I didn't see that happen in the dream...

I run past the water park and come across this pond. In one section of the pond there is the boat version of a go-cart race going on with kids piloting the boats. I try to warn people, but no one listens. I run across part of the pond cause it is only a foot or so deep and then I realize that zombies could hide in the water. Sure enough zombie arms start reaching out at me and run faster to get out of the pond.

I run hard and into a small forested area and soon realize that I am back at the house I was in originally!

I look into one of the windows and see my oldest daughter (she's 6) in the room with a 'dead' zombie sitting in a chair. I jump thru the window and she hugs me. I look at the zombie and realize that it is indeed no longer 'undead' but just plain dead. My daughter tells me that it's the water and she spits some on the 'dead' zombie. I look at the containers she found and realize that they are silidium.

In the room there is a baseball bat and a katana. I coat them both with the silidium, just in time for a zombie to come in the room. I bash it with the bat and it works. The zombie crumples up and expires. I realize that my daughter is covered in the silidium, so I cover myself too. As I leave the room, I run into one of my buddies, so I give him the sword and keep the bat...

I tell him that the source must be my friend's lab, but just as we are leaving the house to go to the lab.........I wake up........


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