Monday, April 10, 2006


Is it just me or is Hollywood really churning out some serious crap lately?

I have netflix and when I first got it my rental queue (the list of movies you want them to send you.) was huge 200+ movies. (This has to do with my absolute hate of commercials, too. I don't watch TV series until they come out on DVD. It's bad enuf I waste time actually watching TV shows, I might as well not waste extra time watching studid commercials....) Lately it gets down to less than 100 cause everytime I check the new releases, nothing good is out or the stuff that sounds interesting is rated "R" for nudity, sexuality, harsh language, etc. (That is one of my problems right there. Has hollywood lost its creativity so much that they think the only way they will get us to watch a movie is to show some actress' boobs off?)

But to make it worse I rent something and it stinks.

The most recent one:

Ugh, horrid. The only way it could have been more predictable would have been to tell you in the first minute how it was going to end.

This total cop-off of "the sixth sense" (a good movie in my opinion) failed to deliver any suspense or mystery. It's labeled as "horror" and yet wasn't scary at all. The "freakish" cinematography was more "sea sick" nauseating than actually disturbing or...well...freakish.

And the music was unimpressive. It kept meandering, like the composer couldn't decide whether he was trying to scare, depress or give a sense of eerieness.

I can't believe I actually finished watching this. I kept hoping for some kinda of twist at the end, but alas, the only twist was a total groaner. (I won't tell you, check a spoiler site if you want to know...)

I'm kinda curious how they convinced Ewan McGregor to star in this crap.


Blogger Jessica said...

Oh my gosh...we rented that last weekend! GAG!

4:37 PM  
Blogger Kent said...

It's not just you... Hollywood's crapping out its foulest stuff yet. Creativity is something they reserve for somebody who doesn't necessarily care about making a whole lot of money.

11:02 AM  
Blogger Laje Kahr said...

Oh yeah, one of the better movies I have seen lately was and independent movie called Maryam. Very interesting.

8:01 AM  

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