Sunday, October 30, 2005

Way too small

Before posting my dream a couple days ago let me clarify somethings. We are a family of 5 with 3 small kids. Right now we live in a large 2 bedroom apartment with a small little yard. We want to move to 3 bedroom but most of them are a bit more money and less space!

Anyway...onto the dream...

So a couple nights ago I dreamt that my wife found a new place for us to live: a loft in San Fransisco! It didn't even have a bedroom. The whole thing was one room and it didn't have a door either. When you walk into this place there were 2 stairs one leading to our loft and the other leading to the basement apartment. When you first walk in the front door you can see in front of you the middle apartment, which had no door either and the stairs were open stairs with no wall to give privacy to the middle place either.

I went to the place with the kids to wait for her. When I got there I found out that we had given up our king size bed because it wouldn't fit. Instead we had 2 very small blue couches to sleep on. The kids were kinda restless on them and I couldn't sleep at all. I looked around and saw that there were spots that in the floor where boards were missing so I put new boards down. I kept thinking that this wasn't going to work and what had my wife been thinking, especially getting a place in San Fran! No way would I ever move there or anyother big city now that I have kids. I probably wouldn't have been willing when I didn't have kids. I like rural and country settings.
At some point the kid of one of the downstairs neighbors came up and started talking to me, which just reinforced to me that idea that this place didn't work privacy-wise. I don't remember what she or I said, but at some point she plopped down on my couch and start playing her PSP and I went back to waiting for my wife. I vaguely remember noticing a sky light at this point and then my I woke up...

Oy. San Fran? No Way, never.


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