I had a dream last night, but this one takes a little preface:
I used to play world of warcraft (WOW) about 4 months ago. My wife didn't really care for the amount of time I played the game so I quit it to prove she was more important. I figured I would prove to her I could manage my "addiction" and eventually start playing again, but this time use time management so it wouldn't be a problem.
Several months passed and enough stuff was going on that I didn't really notice...too much. After Blizzard (the company that makes WOW) announced the delay in the up coming expansion pack to Feb 07 I figured, I'd just let it alone until January, then I could start up again a little bit before the new content. Then Blizzard switched to a January release! So I let the release pass and then talked about it with my wife and she wasn't very hot on the idea of me playing again... :(
After a week of promises and ideas, last night she finally conceded that she would be okay with as long as I limited myself to one night a week. Yay!
During this time there was some talk of moving the Guild I was in to another server so I checked out if I could still do server transfers while my account was inactive and it turned out that I could. But I didn't end up doing the transfer. (Neither did my guild.)
Now without further ado:
My Dream:
I logged onto WOW and clicked my main character Savajtreyl. I got into the game and started checking things out and figuring out what did or did not work with my user interface (UI) since the UI is custom, sometimes thing get broken when Blizzard releases new content. Most of it was working fine, but for some reason I had a whole set of buttons that were not moveable and stuck mostly off screen. It was annoying but not a crisis and I was really interested and checking out some of the NEW STUFF!!! So I just ignored it and started taking flights to get to where the new stuff was, when I realized that the chat windows were really quiet. Then I noticed that there were not that many people around in Orgrimmar (one of the larger cities).
I thought this was a bit strange, but I got on my flight anyway. I caught a flight to get to the new content which somehow included flying over the barrens (a VERY busy area, but not on the way to the new content at all!) I noticed there was no chat their either (this is weird for a two reasons: 1. When in flight you see chat from the location you started your flight, not the ones you fly over. 2. Assuming I could see the Barrens' chat, it's famous for its constant chatter which is usually rather immature and centered around Chuck Norris or bodily functions...)
I then took a better look at my character and realized that his name had been changed to "George Shanks". If you do a server transfer and someone on the new server has your name you have to change your name, but I swore that I had not made the server transfer and I didn't remember changing my character's name! I immediately tried to put a message in Guild Chat, but it wouldn't let me (which means you don't have a guild.) I opened the guild info panel and sure enough it was blank!
At this point I got a little annoyed. There was the stupid half missing buttons and I was stuck on a dead server with no guildies! I decided I would go check out some of the new content with my rogue then I'd log off and pay the $25 to transfer him back to his original server. At this point my flight landed in Stranglethorn Vale (it's not possible to fly from Org to SV but okay...) and I went straight towards Zul Gurub(ZG). ZG is NOT new content so I have no idea why I went that direction. I stopped before I got there and went and killed some Ogres in that area. (Enemies that my character could kill be sneezing on them...)
After a few kills, I logged off because I was now wondering if any of my other characters had been transfered. (Not very logical since you have to transfer one character at a time and I only even looked at transfering my rogue, but so far logic has nothing to do with this dream.)
I vaguely remember looking at my druid character, but then I got woken up...
I used to play world of warcraft (WOW) about 4 months ago. My wife didn't really care for the amount of time I played the game so I quit it to prove she was more important. I figured I would prove to her I could manage my "addiction" and eventually start playing again, but this time use time management so it wouldn't be a problem.
Several months passed and enough stuff was going on that I didn't really notice...too much. After Blizzard (the company that makes WOW) announced the delay in the up coming expansion pack to Feb 07 I figured, I'd just let it alone until January, then I could start up again a little bit before the new content. Then Blizzard switched to a January release! So I let the release pass and then talked about it with my wife and she wasn't very hot on the idea of me playing again... :(
After a week of promises and ideas, last night she finally conceded that she would be okay with as long as I limited myself to one night a week. Yay!
During this time there was some talk of moving the Guild I was in to another server so I checked out if I could still do server transfers while my account was inactive and it turned out that I could. But I didn't end up doing the transfer. (Neither did my guild.)
Now without further ado:
My Dream:
I logged onto WOW and clicked my main character Savajtreyl. I got into the game and started checking things out and figuring out what did or did not work with my user interface (UI) since the UI is custom, sometimes thing get broken when Blizzard releases new content. Most of it was working fine, but for some reason I had a whole set of buttons that were not moveable and stuck mostly off screen. It was annoying but not a crisis and I was really interested and checking out some of the NEW STUFF!!! So I just ignored it and started taking flights to get to where the new stuff was, when I realized that the chat windows were really quiet. Then I noticed that there were not that many people around in Orgrimmar (one of the larger cities).
I thought this was a bit strange, but I got on my flight anyway. I caught a flight to get to the new content which somehow included flying over the barrens (a VERY busy area, but not on the way to the new content at all!) I noticed there was no chat their either (this is weird for a two reasons: 1. When in flight you see chat from the location you started your flight, not the ones you fly over. 2. Assuming I could see the Barrens' chat, it's famous for its constant chatter which is usually rather immature and centered around Chuck Norris or bodily functions...)
I then took a better look at my character and realized that his name had been changed to "George Shanks". If you do a server transfer and someone on the new server has your name you have to change your name, but I swore that I had not made the server transfer and I didn't remember changing my character's name! I immediately tried to put a message in Guild Chat, but it wouldn't let me (which means you don't have a guild.) I opened the guild info panel and sure enough it was blank!
At this point I got a little annoyed. There was the stupid half missing buttons and I was stuck on a dead server with no guildies! I decided I would go check out some of the new content with my rogue then I'd log off and pay the $25 to transfer him back to his original server. At this point my flight landed in Stranglethorn Vale (it's not possible to fly from Org to SV but okay...) and I went straight towards Zul Gurub(ZG). ZG is NOT new content so I have no idea why I went that direction. I stopped before I got there and went and killed some Ogres in that area. (Enemies that my character could kill be sneezing on them...)
After a few kills, I logged off because I was now wondering if any of my other characters had been transfered. (Not very logical since you have to transfer one character at a time and I only even looked at transfering my rogue, but so far logic has nothing to do with this dream.)
I vaguely remember looking at my druid character, but then I got woken up...