Sunday, February 20, 2005

The New Metroid....

Oh man, I love the new metroid games. The game play is nice and the graphics sweet. Up to this point they have a nice storyline also.

In fact, following in tradition established in the first metroid, at the end of the 2nd new metroid we get to a glimpse of Samus sans her armor suit. Which would have been except the IDIOTS at Retro Studios turned her into a ditzy looking BLONDE!!!! What is wrong with these freaking people.
Regular Samus:

Justin Bailey Samus:

Hello. No blond here! She's not a skinny, anorexic looking dumb Blonde. Samus is totally athletic and strong. Sure 8 bit looks a little skinny, but it's 8 bit for goodness sake, everyone either looked skinny or looked like a dwarf...

Unfortunately, a quick search on the internet reveals that the Retro Studios programmers aren't the only knuckleheads who think she is blonde...but at least most of the fan art shows her looking strong not pathetic.


Thursday, February 17, 2005

Full of life

I hate to admit it, but some days I have lost the spark. Amongst the cement sidewalks and dark driveways, I have dried up. Strangely, I find myself smiling at school. I have met some people, young freaking people, that remind me of those high school daze. Well, the nice days anyway...not the ones where I was running from idiots hitting me or trying not to think of the insults flung my way...Some of my lot of my classmates are fresh out of High School. Don't even know what to do with themselves. I wonder, was it a mistake to taste the world first? Should I have pursued this educational crap when I was them? Have I become cynical? So much so that these youngsters have to remind what fun is like???



The Vague Cavity

Sometimes I am not so sure and other times I am. I am sorry I can be so vague but sometimes it's like I need someone to try and figure me out. Being an open book makes it hard to tell who really cares about the deep end of me. When I make it hard or trivia, it gives me a sense that the person really cares about what I have to say. I don't mean to frustrate...

Laje the first.

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

The new addiction?

Well I got World of Warcraft...hmmmmm...not addicted per se but I have logged in about 16 hours in 3 days...


Saturday, February 05, 2005

My true thoughts....

Welcome to where I say what I really mean....
