Monday, July 30, 2007


I hate when my dreams fade so fast that I don't get to have a decent recall of them. I keep telling myself that I need to write them down when I wake up, but I'm usually waking up to do something, like go to work.

For instance, I remember that last night I had a dream that I was at school. It was run down looking, not at all like the campus I graduated from (De Anza) nor like the campus I will be going to (SJSU). I vaguely remember something going on in the cafeteria where I was searching for something. I also vaguely remember getting panicked cause class time was approaching and I had neither read the book nor done the homework!

And that's pretty much it. Well other than the walls were mostly made of wood.



Blogger Kent said...

Dude I hate school dreams. Soooo glad I'm done! Now that I say that, God'll call me back to graduate school. Oh well, whatever.
I hate fading dreams too. I started a brief journal but that didn't last long when I started waking up at 6:30 in the morning.

6:07 AM  

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