Thursday, July 26, 2007

Back to school, again...

I had this weird dream last night that I had gone back to college. (In real life, I am going back shortly but to a state college for my BS degree and not going to live on campus for sure.) In this dream I was looking at on campus housing because I was going to be rooming up with an old friend of mine who is blind. (He is a real friend in real life who is blind.) We were walking around this huge campus trying to find everything and figure out which classes would be most convenient for him and just get general answers to questions like where the housing was.

At some point, we ran into an old beat up looking store that sold flooring. My blind friend said we should get some tile our new place so I went around grabbing pieces for him to step on. He kept complaining that they were sharp on his feet, but I kept trying to tell him to not worry about the edges and just feel the tops. After awhile I started grabbing linoleum instead since it had no sharp edges. After bringing him the third piece he put his socks on and started sliding on the floor.

Shortly after he started sliding I notice my dad behind the counter of the store. I soon realized that he owned the store. We started chatting when my mom showed up. (They are divorced in real life.) I ducked away for some reason and overheard my mom asking my dad where I was. He said something to the affect that I'm old enough to take care of myself.

It gets a little fuzzy but apparently I didn't want to go with my mom at that point so I ducked out of the store and hid in the trunk of her car or something. Shortly after that I woke up.


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